Сотрудничество в области СМИ
Беларусь часто бывает в фокусе корейских медиа и интернет-сообщества.
За 2024 год наиболее актуальными статьями о деятельности Посольства и мероприятиях Республики Беларусь в местных СМИ стали:
- Connection of future generations' Ambassador of Belarus delivers new year message
- Belarus Embassy in Korea meets with Chungbuk University to discuss educational ties
- Belarus Embassy in Korea celebrates annual event dedicated to Belarusian Cuisine Day
- Belarus at 27th World Peace Art Exhibition
- Korea-Belarus Cultural Exchange Exhibition held in Insa-dong from July 3-8
- Belarus Embassy holds a reception to mark 80th anniversary of its liberation
- Belarus and Korea to strengthen cooperation in education
- Belarus marks 38th anniversary of Chernobyl disaster
- Belarus Embassy holds luncheon dedicated to 105th Anniversary of Diplomatic Service
- Belarus welcomes gender equality in Parliament
- Creating the only Calendar in the World with 21 Embassies
- The Embassy of Belarus in the Republic of Korea held a Christmas meeting
Интервью с участием руководителя Посольства южнокорейским СМИ:
- International sanctions have minimal impact on Belarus: envoy Korea Times, November, 2024
- Belarus recalls history, hopes to revive ties with S. Korea Korea Herald, July, 2024
- Interview with Belarus Ambassador in Korea Korea News Plus, June, 2024
- Creating the only Calendar in the World with 21 Embassies Arirang TV (DiplomatTalks), January, 2024
- Belarus welcomes Korea’s efforts to promote green agenda Diplomacy Journal, December, 2023
- Belarus, Korea need to join hands in preventing global threats to humanity Diplomacy Journal, December, 2023
- Belarus invites Korean SMEs with lower labor costs, reasonable energy prices The Korea Post, June, 2023
- [Diplomat Talks ] Christmas in January? Na PD gets invited to a Christmas party! ArirangTV. February 2023
- Belarusian ambassador urges Poland to resolve disputes via dialogue The Korea Herald, January 3, 2023
- Talks with Poland, EU, first step to resolve Polish-Belarus emergency: Belarus ambassador The Korea Herald, January 10, 2022
- 'The Diplomat' Ep. 57 — Ambassador of Belarus A.Popkov, Arirang TV
- '벨라루스와 한국: 25년간의 성공적인 협력을 기반으로 한 미래 전망' The Korea Post, July 14, 2017
- 'Belarus eager to mirror Korea's success' The Korea Times, January 3, 2017
- [TRADING PLACES] 'From Minsk to Jeonju, finding the sweet and sour' Korea Joongang Daily, March 6, 2017
- ‘Belarus, Korea are partners in cutting-edge innovations’ The Korea Herald, February 6, 2017
Другие новостные блоки о Беларуси и деятельности Посольства на электронных ресурсах южнокорейских СМИ:
- [Diplomat Talks] New Year’s Special! “One-of-a-Kind Calendar Making Project” DiplomatTalks (Youtube), January, 2024
- Embassy of Belarus in Seoul holds a Christmas meeting Diplomacy Journal, January, 2024
- Belarusian Embassy marks Orthodox Christmas The Korea Herald, January, 2024
- The Embassy of Belarus in the Republic of Korea held a Christmas meeting The Korea Post, January, 2024
- Кафедра русского языка и культуры Университета Чунгбук провела встречу по приглашению в Посольстве Беларуси (прим. перевод с корейского) Veritas, November, 2023
- Global Kimchi Day declared The Korea Herald, November, 2023
- Diplomats frying chiken The Korea Herald, September, 2023
- Envoy recalls Koreans' contributions to Belarus liberation The Korea Herald, July, 2023
- Belarus hosts a reception in Seoul on the occasion of its Independence Day Diplomacy Journal, July, 2023
- Belarus marks National Day The Korea Herald, July 4, 2022
- Korean SMEs seeking new opportunities in Belarus The Korea Herald, February 15, 2022
- 'Belarus — pivotal partner for New Northern Policy' The Korea Times, July 7, 2019
- 'Belarus seeks Korean investment in start-ups' Korea Joongang Daily, September 6, 2018
- '한-벨라루스 통상전문위원, 양국간 통상협력과 KOIMA 수입사절단 파견 적극 지원' / 'Korea – Belarus Trade Promotion Partners Expect Active Support for Bilateral Trade Cooperation and Organizing KOIMA Import Delegation to Belarus' IMPORT, March/April 2018
- 'KOIMA 수입데이터베이스 설명회 / Presentation of KOIMA Imports Database' IMPORT, March/April 2018
- 'Biggest ever Winter Paralympics begin' Korea Joongang Daily, March 9, 2018
- 'Belarus marks 500 years of book printing' The Korea Times, January 8, 2018
- 'Belarus chemist praises bilateral cooperation with Korea' Joongang Ilbo, May 9, 2016
- 'Ambassadors call for objective assessment of nuclear disasters' Yonhap News Agency, April 29, 2016
- 'Belarusian tech head aims to boost start-ups' Joongang Ilbo, April 2, 2015
- 쳅칼로 HTP 회장 “한국 ICT스타트업에 동유럽 진출 길 열어줄 것” DongA Ilbo, April 1, 2015
- ‘Belarus Minister eager for Silk Road Express’ Joongang Ilbo, February 9, 2015
- ‘Comment by Minister of Communications and Informatization of Belarus’ October 2, 2014
- '해외로 가는 창조경제깵 벨라루스 정보화사업 초석 놓다' DongA Ilbo, September 18, 2014
- ‘벨라루스에서 왔습니다’ Future Korea, July 31, 2014
- ‘Belarus, IOM lead fight to halt today’s slavery trafficking’ Joongang Ilbo, July 30, 2014
- ‘유럽의 ‘백의 민족’ 벨라루스’ Future Korea, June 18, 2014
- ‘유럽 중세시대 옛 성의 이야기에 귀 기울여 봐요 ’Tour Korea, May 30, 2014
- ‘1013 Mainstreet’ (rar. archive file) TBS eFM, January 7, 2014
- ‘K팝·태권도 … 한국 궁금해 남아공서 날아왔죠’ 중앙일보, January 7, 2014
- ‘유라시아 7개국 대사 초청 포럼”’ MK news, September 10, 2013
- ‘부산관광 대축제 ‘부산국제관광전’ 개막”’ 아시아 경제, September 2, 2013
- ‘손연재 “발레·무용·댄스스포츠 모두 도움”’ KBS News, June 16, 2013
- ‘손연재 갈라쇼 라인업 공개…리듬체조 스타 총출동’ 아시아 경제, May 20, 2013
- '손연재 멀티 메달, 후프·곤봉에서 銀 획득…볼·리본 성적은?' The Chosun Ilbo, May 20, 2013
- 'Park urges N.K. to learn from Kazakhstan’s denuclearization' The Korea Herald, April 26, 2013
- '주한 외교사절 접견하는 박근혜 대통령' Yonhap News, 25 April 2013
- ‘동유럽의 숨은 보석 벨라루스’ 레이디경향, March 11, 2013
- ‘벨라루스, 사람이 아름다운 나라’ Munhwa Ilbo, February 27, 2013
- ‘Opening KOTRA Office in Belarus’ Yonhapnews Agency, January 23, 2013
- ‘김치 담그기 체험하는 주한 대사관 직원들’ Yonhapnews Agency, September 21, 2012
- ‘Korea, Russia, Belarus agree to boost research cooperation’ The Korea Times, August 17, 2012
- 'Второй конкурс по русскому языку для корейских студентов’ Сеульский вестник, June 20, 2012
- ‘Korea to aid Belarus’ administrative reform’ The Korea Times, October 26, 2011
- 'Days of Science of Korea in Belarus' The Korea Times, July 4, 2011
- [이사람] 경쾌한 연주속 ‘체르노빌의 희망’ 들리나요 한겨레, 2011.05.06
Заметки о путешествии корейского ютуб-блоггера по Беларуси
В целях обеспечения эффективного сотрудничества в области СМИ сторонами подписаны следующие документы, регламентирующие вопросы двустороннего взаимодействия в данной сфере:
1. Меморандум о взаимопонимании по вопросам сотрудничества в области вещания между Корейской государственной телерадиокомпанией KBS и Национальной государственной телерадиокомпанией Республики Беларусь (2010);
2. Соглашение о сотрудничестве между Национальной государственной телерадиокомпанией Республики Беларусь и Корейским международным спутниковым телеканалом «Ариранг ТВ» (2010);
3. Меморандум о взаимопонимании по вопросам сотрудничества в области вещания между Корейской государственной телерадиокомпанией ЕBS и ЗАО «Столичное телевидение» (2012).