
여행자 보험

Eximgarant of Belarus

Online medical insurance of foreign citizens and stateless persons
temporarily staying or temporarily residing in the Republic of Belarus

Health insurance for foreign citizens.

Foreign citizens temporarily staying or temporarily residing in the Republic of Belarus are required to have a compulsory health insurance policy( from Belarusian insurance companies Belgosstrakh and Beleximgarant) or medical insurance policy issued by a foreign insurance organization in case of their emergency medical treatment in medical institutions (hereinafter — medical insurance policy) .
Health insurance should meet the following requirements:
- contain the name of a foreign insurance company and its location, phone numbers or international assistance services, as well as the surname, first name, patronym (if any) of the foreign citizen;
- distribute its effect on the territory of the Republic of Belarus (it should be mentioned in the document that it is valid on the territory of Belarus or worldwide);
- be valid for a period of temporary stay or temporary residence of a foreign citizen in the Republic of Belarus;
- the insured amount should be not less than 10,000 euros;
availability of health insurance can be confirmed by an insurance policy, an insurance card or other document, containing information about health insurance;
health insurance iaccording to the established criteria should be presented when applying for visas. Foreign nationals who are allowed visa-free entry to Belarus should present the health insurance at checkpoints at the state border of the Republic of Belarus;
If foreign citizens have no insurance policy (certificate of insurance) satisfying the appropriate requirements and refuse to acquire a compulsory health insurance at border checkpoints of the Republic of Belarus, located at international airports, they will be refused to entry the Republic of Belarus according to the legislative acts of the country.
Information that must be specified in insurance policy or insurance card.
- surname, name, patronymic (if any) of the foreign citizen. One insurance policy may extended to several foreign citizens provided the number of insured foreign citizens and their names are specified in the same insurance policy, if they jointly entering the Republic of Belarus. The list of insured foreign citizens who are covered by health insurance can be attached to insurance policy;
- the insurance contract period (start and end of the insurance should be specified);
- validity area — Republic of Belarus or worldwide;
Insurance cards without specifying the insurance amount are accepted if they are valid for traveling all over the world.
Requirements for the term of the health insurance (for long-term visa)
Health insurance should be valid for a period of temporary stay or temporary residence of a foreign citizen in the Republic of Belarus. Thus, a foreign citizen, who is visiting the Republic of Belarus several times has the right to conclude a contract of health insurance for each trip. It is also possible to issue a long-term visa to foreign citizens if they only have health insurance for the first trip.
List of nationalities that do not need compulsory health insurance.
- citizens of the states that have  concluded international treaties that provide free emergency medical services (citizens of the Russian Federation);
- citizens of the states — members of the Commonwealth of Independent States, where emergency medical care is provided free of charge pursuant to the Agreement on the provision of medical care to citizens of states — members of Commonwealth of Independent States, signed in Moscow on March 27, 1997 (the citizens of the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine).
Interaction between health organizations and Belarusian insurers and medical assistance for foreign citizens when contacting for to medical care.
If a foreign citizen is contacting a medical institution or in case of bringing him to an institution by ambulance (emergency) medical staff must:
- establish the identity of the foreign citizen;
- find out whether a foreign citizen’s insurance or proof of the existence of health insurance meets the relevant criteria, if yes, then assist him with emergency medical assistance;
- report to the telephone number listed in the insurance policy, or any known telephone of the corresponding insurer of the insured person about his contact with a medical facility, as well as the number of his insurance policy (in case of the presence of a foreign citizen’s compulsory medical insurance).
- report by phone to Medical Assistance or to the insurer of the insured person's admission to a medical institution, the name of a foreign insurance company which issued the insurance policy for the foreign citizen, medical insurance number (in case of the presence of a foreign citizen health insurance).
Thus, if foreign citizen has concluded a contract of compulsory medical insurance (which means an insurance policy by Belgosstrakh or Beleximgarant), the company should be informed on receipt of a foreign citizen in the medical institution by health care workers to the relevant insurer: in case of an insurance policy issued by Belgosstrakh — Belgosstrakh (24/7 contact phone: +375 17 252 48 90, mob: +375 29 231 42 24, +375 25 741 42 24, +375 44 741 42 26, in case of an insurance policy issued by Beleximgarant — Beleximgarant (contact phone number.: + 375 17 360 21 21).
If the foreign citizen has concluded a contract of health insurance with a foreign insurance institution (an insurance policy, insurance card or other document confirming the availability of health insurance contract), the report on admission of a foreign citizen to the medical institution should be made by health care workers to “Belgosstrakh”, “Beleximgarant” via the above telephone numbers.
Legislation in the field of health insurance of foreigners.
Presidential Decree of the Republic of Belarus № 530 of August 25, 2006
Agreement on the delivery of health care to citizens of states — members of Commonwealth of Independent States, signed in Moscow on March  27, 1997.
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of the Russian Federation on the delivery of health care to citizens of the Republic of Belarus in the Health Institution of the Russian Federation and citizens of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Belarus Health Institution from January 24, 2006.

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